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ConQuest (The Quest Saga) Page 24

  Q stirred a little bit. He opened his eyes and fluttered them.

  “Where am I?” he asked them.

  Taylor looked at Chris.

  “The other one had golden eyes. I wonder who he was,” she said.

  They made Q sit down and listen to everything that had happened. At the end he opened his palm and showed them the Ultimate Weapon.

  “So this thing is supposed to be really powerful, huh?” Kai said.

  “So you finally took it back, huh?” a voice said.

  It was Carlos!

  Q ran over and hugged him. “I missed you so much,” he said.

  “Me too. Well technically not me, but..... Ah, forget it!” he said. Typical Carlos.

  “Can we please go back to the academy?” Chris asked. Q got into the Orion, followed by everyone else.

  “I wanna take a nap,” Carlos demanded. Q showed him the bunks that they had. In the end, he slept as well. Destroying a black hole was much too exhausting.

  Kai started the Orion and headed out of the black hole. With Apocalypse destroyed there weren’t any barriers resisting them. The actual surprise waited for them outside. There wasn’t a single black hole in sight.

  “Where did they all go?” Kai asked.

  “They probably went back to their old positions after Apocalypse got destroyed,” Taylor said.

  “That was fast.”

  “Just get us home, will you?” Taylor pleaded. Kai was happy. He had regained his ‘Most annoying person’ title, though he didn’t know who it was that had held it before.

  Just as they left, the huge black hole disintegrated and faded away.

  “With Apocalypse destroyed, the shell probably can't exist either,” Taylor said.

  “Well, he might not actually be dead you know” Q said. He remembered what Apocalypse told him about not being able to be destroyed.

  “Oh please. There was no way he could have survived that. And if he did, I can guarantee it’s going to take a long time for him to recover”

  Q smiled. Maybe what she said was right. It was a big explosion after all.

  After about half a day, they went back to Aliea. It was the most pleasant thing that Q could think off.

  He had fun, fooling around in all his classes.

  Hey, you save the universe. You get to have some fun.

  All of the five went to the same academy. Kai though, was learning mechanics at the airport from all the high tech mechanics there. Elizabeth and Taylor kept pestering Q all the time, since they were in the same class as well.

  All the secrets that they had collected stayed within and nowhere else. The five received medals from the patrol at a secret meeting. The mission was a secret so the medals had to be secret as well. How did they keep the secret? They took the medal back.

  Carlos went to a psychological care centre. Though he hadn't talked much about it, the way Apocalypse had possessed him had left him in a daze. He didn’t know what was real and what wasn’t. Those kinda problems.

  Jake had mysteriously transferred to another academy so Q never got to find out what had happened to him that night at the lab.

  It had only been two days since they finished the mission.

  “I’m looking for Q,” a man asked Kai.

  “He’ll be somewhere in the lab area,” he told him.

  “Thanks,” he said and he walked off.

  Kai looked at the receding figure of the man. He wore a brown overcoat. His facial features were hidden by a large cap. He was quite tall and well-built.

  I wonder what he wants with Q, Kai thought.

  “Could you tell me where I can find Q?” The man asked Taylor.

  “He’s in the IT lab,” she directed him to it.

  Q was hard at work, trying to hack the patrol server. They had uploaded a picture of him looking horrified when they introduced him on stage the very first day. He needed to take it off the server.

  “Where’s Q?” Q heard a voice.

  “He’s there,” he heard Elizabeth say.

  Q turned. A man eagerly came over to him.

  “I need to speak to you privately,” he said.

  “Well, I don’t have anything better to do,” Q said.

  He decided the server could be hacked later.

  They sat down in the cafeteria. The man sat down with a mug of coffee. Q had a plate piled with food. He hadn't eaten much during the mission so he was making up for it.

  “So what did you want to talk about,” Q asked in-between mouthfuls.

  The man took a sip of his coffee, and then he leaned closer to Q.

  “You defeated Apocalypse, yes?” he asked.

  Q’s battle senses activated. This man wasn’t any normal guy.

  “How do you know?” Q asked, his voice stern.

  The man laughed. That threw Q off guard.

  “I’m not in the patrol, young man. I’m just.....another character,” he said.

  “Uh huh?” Q said. He’d learnt not to trust anybody just like that.

  “You may not realize it now. But when you do…” He took something out of his pocket and put it on the table.

  Q reached out for it. When he looked up again, the man was gone. He looked around and saw him exiting the cafeteria. He ran after him. He charged outside the cafeteria, but the man was long gone.

  “Hmmm. Mysterious guy,” he said.

  He put the card in his pocket and went back to class.

  The group got a huge room just to themselves, with some help from Carlos. They entered the room and lazed around.

  Everyone was so tired that they couldn’t even say anything.

  It was deadly silent so Kai tried to start the conversation.

  “You know I met this weird guy today,” he said, and told them what had happened and described the guy.

  Taylor’s face lit up.

  “I saw him as well,” she said.

  “Me too!” Elizabeth joined in.

  Chris sat in the corner; reading a book silently. Q stayed silent, sulking.

  “Dude, what’s wrong?” Kai asked him.

  Before he could say anything, Taylor noticed the card jutting out of his pocket.

  “What’s this?” she asked.

  “The man gave it to me.”

  “Wait.... the same man that all of us saw?” Elizabeth asked.

  “Uh, huh,” he said, like it was no big deal.

  “Dr. Klutz Mortimer,” she read the name aloud.

  Kai sat up immediately. Everyone stared at him.

  “What’s wrong?” Chris asked him.

  “Nothing’s wrong. I just felt like stretching my back,” he said. Though it seemed like a lie, Kai did do silly things like that. It was probably nothing.

  Taylor looked intently at the card. She loved solving puzzles and this one seemed good. She just had to know who the man was.

  “Let it go, Taylor,” Q told her. He knew about her craze to solve puzzles.

  She breathed deeply. “You’re right,” she said and gave Q the card.

  “So why were you sulking anyway?” Elizabeth asked Q.

  “I hate this class.”

  “Why?” All of them asked in unison. They were having a blast during class and here Q was saying he hated class.

  “They don’t let you play video games during class.”

  Everyone burst out laughing. Q couldn’t help joining in. They all laughed together. He couldn’t remember the last time that had happened.

  He was a kid again. Not some monster-fighting, universe-saving hero.

  That was someone else’s job description.

  End of Book One

  The Zyxian’s Guide to the universe

  Adoris - A chant known and performed by Carlos. It enables him to control any object.

  Aliea - An academy built by Carlos. It focuses solely on training teenagers and preparing them to protect the universe.

  Apocalypse - The conscience of a black hole. He is bent on destroying the universe with power he onl
y can wield.

  Atlas - The ship used by Kai to get Q and co. to safety.

  Cleric - A healer

  Coerin Giants - Giants from the planet Ing. They are very strong and can easily crush a Gaian’s skull.

  Dark Knights - Highly trained knights that protect the universe from harm.

  Doctored Sugar cubes - Sugar cubes that have been doctored to help the body recover quickly.

  Eetaris - A chant used by Q to open portals from one dimension to the other

  Eki - A dragon made completely out of ice. Its blood is multicolored and flows in a line through its body. Its powers are unknown.

  Energy Beings - Most powerful beings in the universe. Their power comes from the fact that they are entirely made out of energy.

  Gaia - The Greek name for mother earth. The Gaia are Zyxians whose origin is that of earth. They are the descendents of Early man.

  God of the Dead - No he isn’t Hades, Pluto or Shiva or any other god. This is the name given to Kai. Technology is not alive and is dead. Kai controls tech. Hence the name God of the dead. Dead as in technology and not Zombies.

  Griffin - Previously believed to be mythological creatures, Griffins are outwardly animals that communicate telepathically and are known to, on occasion, eavesdrop on one’s thoughts. Careful! One might be listening to you right now!

  Hand of God - The name given to Q. He doesn’t know why. We don't know why either.

  Indiff Giants - These giants are from the same planet as the Coerin giants. Ten times in size and over ten times stronger, these giants demolish buildings without breaking a sweat.

  Kronogravia - A time beast. The powers of this beast are not fully known. It is said to help those with a kind heart. It can perform highly complex telekinetic moves.

  Map of doom - The map that consists of four parts that are spread across the ancient temples. It is the only key to locate the palace of beings

  Megethos - Creatures from other dimensions. They invaded our dimension at one point in the distant past.

  NOVA form - The next level of Zyxians. A nova form is Zyxian 2.0 It grants new powers and abilities to the transformer.

  Noverse - A parallel universe where nothing exists. There is only blank space. No light, No planets. Nothing.

  Oragon - The only dark matter being in the universe. It is completely made out of dark matter.

  Orion - The ship Kai uses throughout the mission.

  Palace of being - It was originally at the point where the universe began. The palace of being is the home to the energy beings. It changes its position in space as well as in time.

  Prana - The life force of every living thing. The Prana themselves are nonliving though. Said to be the connection between the living and nonliving, Prana inhibit bodies of energy and breathe life into them.

  Pyrophate - A beast that closely resembles a Gaia Rhinoceros. It breathes fire and doesn’t like intruders. Its large horn and tough skull can crush almost anything.

  S.P.A.C.E - An academy that hosts cadets of all ages who are capable of protecting the universe.

  Space Patrol - A legion that has sworn to maintain order in the universe.

  Temple of Giants - It radiates energy causing the creatures living there to be of amazingly huge size and posses amazing strength. It is one of the four ancient temples. This temple holds a part of the map of doom.

  Temple of Judgment Doom - A temple that dooms those with evil minds. It is one of the four ancient temples. This temple holds a part of the map of doom.

  Temple of last hope - The place that is said to retain the last hope for all Zyxians. It is one of the four ancient temples. This temple holds a part of the map of doom.

  Temple of Time - Known for its terrorizing monsters. One of the four ancient temples. This temple holds a part of the map of doom.

  Warp Drive - A highly advanced engine that compresses space to catch up to the speed of light.

  Werewolf - A wolf that is said to be a man with paranormal powers.

  Zygrade - The planet on which Aliea academy is built.

  Zyxians - The race that is spread out through the cosmos. They were originally one and the same but slowly adapted and morphed according to their planetary environment.

  Don’t miss the action packed sequel to ConQuest.


  Releasing this Summer.

  I’d really love your reviews and comments. Feel free to express yourself on the amazon reviews page or send me an email at

  Table of Contents



  Hidden powers




  Warp Drive


  Aliea Academy

  Lights Out


  School Again

  Moon Base

  Sonic Burst

  Battle of Heroes


  The Dark Knight



  Temple of Time



  Space Patrol

  Blocked out

  New Year’s Eve

  Maxi Blast


  Temple of Giants


  The Tracker



  Take a Swim

  The Core


  Temple of Judgment Doom


  God of Death

  Temple of Last Hope

  Perfect Ten


  Ice man



  Try, try again

  Man from the moon

  Purple light

  Pandora Cannon





  Palace of Being

  Final Destination


  Hand of Gandalf

  Happily Ever After?